
[New] F-Cup Cookie 日本人氣產品 - 神奇纖體豐胸餅乾

  • 日 本ヨコヤマコーポレーション株式會社出 品。

  • 豆乳+野葛根新感覺餅乾(巧克力口味)」,含有豆乳及Pueraria Mirifica(野葛根)等成分配合,給 你日式新體驗。

    *Pueraria Mirifica(野葛根),含有植物性荷爾蒙,新體驗。

  • 胸围和腰围都想同时照顾到...
    F cup 能帮助您实现这样的愿望!

  • F cup 丰胸饼干里含有的泰国葛根,是一种生长在泰国北部落叶林的豆科葛属植物,其中富含大豆异黄酮,其含量是大豆的几乎40倍!
  • 食用方式

  • 注意事項

 熱量  68.9kcal
 蛋白質  1.94g
 脂質  飽和脂肪 3.91g
 反式脂肪 0.0g
 碳水化合物  6.49g
 鈉   23.7mg

How to Enjoy
【Flavor】   Chocolate
【How to Enjoy】
Please eat the F・cup cookies up to 2 sticks per day as an afternoon snack by chewing slowly with plenty of moisture.
F・cup cookies can blow up by absorbing the moisture so that you can feel you are full.

【Amount of content】
  Package of 4 sticks Package of 14 sticks
Size 140×65×35 110×140×85
Pcs 4Pcs 14Pcs
Wgt 78g 265g


Flour, Quasi-chocolate, Margarine, Adjusted soymilk powder, Tofu liquid, Shortening, Skim milk, Cocoa powder, Dried albumen, Starch, Powered soybean hypocotyls, Pueraria mirifica, Artificial sweetener (Sorbitol), Leavening agent, Emulsifier(from Soybean), Coloring (Annatto, Carotene)

【Best before Date】
1 year

A little known herb Pueraria Mirifica ...
or Kwao Kreu as its called in Thailand has been used by locals as a herbal folk remedy for well over a century and used for good health and longevity due to its rejuvenating qualities. Thankfully this well kept secret has in recent years become better known to the rest of us.

One of Pueraria Mirifica,s most impressive benefits is linked to its ability increase breast size naturally, not only may the breast size be enhanced but also the firmness and fullness of the breast maybe improved. This is fantastic news for women.
How does Pueraria Mirifica achieve this. It contains Phytoestrogens or (estrogen hormones derived from a plant) the phytoestrogens are made up of isoflavones (including genistein, puerarin, miroestrol.) These substances have very similar properties to the female hormone estrogen.

Miroestrol a unique compound found in Pueraria Mirifica possesses a high potent estrogenic activity which can help stimulate blood flow and circulation plus promote new tissue generation within the breasts, enlarging and firming the breasts naturally.
Taking Pueraria Mirifica as a natural breast enhancer is a great alternative for women instead of resorting to more drastic measures namely cosmetic surgery. With improved breast size or firming of the breasts a women gains more self confidence.

Actual price RM88/box
Only got chocolate flavor . 只有巧克力口味。
Price/ 价 格:RM 65.00 per box(14pcs)
